Paradise Square [CANCELLED] Tickets
Ethel Barrymore Theatre | New York City, New York
EVENT CANCELLED. Please contact your ticket point of purchase to claim a refund on your tickets.
Can you remember the last time you went to see a musical? If you go all the time or you've never been, THIS is a show that you're bound to LOVE…. Paradise Square that'll be back for fall, 2022, has something for everyone, you'll finish needing to see more, when that final curtain closes you will on cloud 9, a Sunday evening singing to a bunch of hit tracks is just what the doctor ordered this October! If you know the awesome Ethel Barrymore Theatre of New York, New York City, you will be happy that Paradise Square will be held there on Sunday 23rd October 2022, the finest theatre to be, so buy your access today, press 'GET TICKETS' right away!
Do you want to waste your hard earned cash on a musical production that 15mins in, you realise it's not all its cracked up to be? OR do you want to go see one heck of a musical? Well, Paradise Square is that and more! Touring once more for fall, 2022, one to totally get stuck into! All of those mind numbing musicals you have witnessed cannon touch the amazing Paradise Square and how could all of those 10/10 reviews be wrong? On this occasion the 'finest' musical on tour will come to Ethel Barrymore Theatre, New York, New York City on Sunday 23rd October 2022. Ethel Barrymore Theatre is world class, if it isn't the faultless service and outstanding facilities, it's the central location, the eye catching interiors and spacious seating. Ethel Barrymore Theatre is going to make sure your Sunday evening will be perfect this October! TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE NOW, book your access today to ensure you do not miss the chance!